Lewis Floor & Home supporting the community and the Cancer Wellness Center in Northbrook, IL

Every business receives mail each and everyday from
nonprofit organizations requesting everything from cash contributions,
donations of items for auctions, to manpower to help with projects that support
their cause. With so many options and very worthwhile causes to choose from,
the choice of where to allocate resources is very difficult.

At Lewis Floor & Home we believe that it is extremely
important to support our community. When I felt that it was time to channel our
community support I looked to form a partnership with a local charity that
could truly provide a significant benefit to everyone in our community. While
it is important to note that there is no shortage of worthy causes that need
support I feel that our partnership with the Cancer Wellness Center of
Northbrook is extremely special.

The Cancer Wellness Center of Northbrook offers featured
programs and events to members of the community at no charge. They use
professionals from various fields, including physicians and healthcare workers,
to provide the most current and useful information possible at their events.
Some examples of these programs include Meditation at the Botanic Garden, Music
as Therapy for Cancer Survivors, Reiki for Self-Healing, Dealing with
Lymphedema, An evening of Wellness, Myeloma Update, Hypnosis and Healthy Eating
Habits, Understanding the Many Faces of Grief.

While Lewis Floor & Home supports many other charities
in the community I know of no other disease that affects more members of our
community than Cancer. For the last 12 years we have donated a portion of our
sales during the month of June to the Center. Our continued support helps to assure
that members of our community continue to have the opportunity to get the
information and support that is so vital –  not only for the patient but to their family
members as well without having to worry about how they are going to afford the

I believe that every business in the community (when they
are in a position to afford it) has an obligation to look for a local worthy
non for profit organization to support. It doesn’t have to always be in the
form of money but it might be something as simple as providing the manpower for
a special project or volunteering time to help with events.

With more and more business being diverted to the internet
everyday it is more important than ever that local businesses maintain as high
a profile as possible in their community. Keeping business local not only
provides tax dollars for the community but jobs and the ability of local
businesses to step up to the plate and support local charities. Personally, I
find nothing more rewarding than being able to provide support to worthwhile
organizations like the Cancer Wellness Center
in Northbrook. Next time you think about
ordering over the internet ask yourself what that business is doing for your local

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